Thursday, August 30, 2018

Dear Friends,
The recent arrest of a number of activists comprising intellectuals, literary figures, and human right activists, all in their sunset years, shows the depth, the government can fall to. This attitude shows the totalitarian and obnoxiously repulsive action of a democratically elected government, possible. We crib loudly about the human life violation in the so-called military-controlled democratic system of Pakistan; then what is the difference between the two? They say,' absolute power corrupts absolutely', similarly, it gives rise to intolerance, misbehavior and dictatorial actions on the part of power-intoxicated rulers. After seventy years of democracy, the Indian electorates have learned:

1. Never believe and rely upon the promises and assurances given by different political parties during an election campaign. The more you trust, the more will you be disappointed and feel cheated.
2. Never give a thumping majority to any single party irrespective of the promises made. This will make them power-intoxicated, adamant and dictatorial.
3. Never accept goodies and promises of goodies after elections, as these will be distributed from your own money misappropriated by the rulers.
4. Backing the government's decisions selectively; not following the mob and show your dissent publicly.
Brijender Mehta

Monday, August 27, 2018

Dear friends,
As all of us know that our southern sister-state is suffering from the havoc of severe and sudden floods for the last more than a month and the accompanying fury of devastation, loss of human life, property, and animals to the tune of more than 20,000 crores rupees. It may take a decade or so to bring the disrupted lives to rails after such an enormous loss of life and property.
The Center has sanctioned a measly amount of six hundred crores only, which is not only insulting but humiliating too. All the other states have come up with their bit to support and rebuild the tattered economy.
There is a simple question? God forbids if Gujrat had suffered such a calamity, would the response of Center be the same? Kerala may be ruled by a different political entity, it is still a vibrant state of India contributing handsomely to national development. So It is now our duty to contribute our bit through various agencies to help the unfortunate suffering people there. If every citizen contributes just rupee one towards these efforts, more than one billion can be made available to the state for the damaged roads, buildings and bridges can be rebuilt.
Our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved and their relations.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

                            WELCOME FRIENDS!

I am sorry, I could not communicate with you for ten long years after I started this blog. I myself am perplexed, as to what could have been the real cause of this abstinence. Might be, I was really busy at that phase of my life, when I was in the humdrum of my medical practice and I could not have sufficient spare time to intermingle with my friends.
Now that phase is over as I have retired from the active practice and started collecting the loose ends of my life; viz my hobbies, remaining in hibernation in spite of my best efforts to rejuvenate these. So now, I have started feeling like a bird with no responsibility of work, childcare, and shopping. A surprise for you all; now the long-lost hobbies of backpack-globe tottering, fine arts, reading, and writing have started resurfacing and my own astonishment I have started felling young in spite of, in my seventies.
I named this blog 'Light at the end of the tunnel', as basically, I am an optimist and even in dire crisis, though flummoxed, I always feel light at the end of the tunnel and most of the time my sixth sense is correct.
Now post-retirement, besides reading, I have started writing fiction, travelogues, and short stories  (One literary novel is under print). I would like to reconnect with my buddies after a hiatus of more than half century. All are welcome to contribute to the blog and make it a lively place to interact.
Brijender Mehta